
Never done this before. Wonder what will happen if I . . . . . .

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Newlywed and loving it.

Friday, September 30, 2005


Ok, one week to go before I walk down the isle, or in my case, the stairs, and I WILL NOT PANIC!! If I keep telling myself this, maybe it won't happen. I think I'm about to go crazy. I kinda feel like this little monkey. "WHAT?" So much to do, and it's not really anything that people can help with. Except maybe the favours. But I think it's really too late to ask people to help. I had all the intention of making the labels for the goodie bags with the nice stamp sets I bought last month (or was it two months ago - I can't remember) but time has slipped away from me and I have not done that. Doh! I'll probably end up settling on some pre-made things to tie onto the bags. Maybe I'll find and C and a J stamp. Argh. So many things I wanted to do before next week.

And it's not like I can think at work. Ever since Monday, I have been running off my heels doing soooo much stuff. I am deffinately being kept busy. But at the same time, I don't have time to think about anything else. I have this list of stuff I keep meaning to do when I have a spare moment at work, but that spare moment never comes. I sometimes forget to go on my breaks. Opps! It's getting easier to lose track of time, look at the clock, and say "whoops, I was supposed to go on my break half an hour ago.

When will the madness end???? And it's not like it will end after the wedding . . . there is still the issue of Thank-you cards. Another project I want to make with the pretty stamps that I bought months ago. Haha.

Sidenote: I had to stifle a really loud laugh in choir last night. My conductor said, after giving us 4 new, big, long songs to sing, "If you could look at these before the next rehearsal and learn the notes . . . ." YEAH RIGHT! And I'm supposed to do that when? Oh yeah, in hour 25 of the day. Sigh. Next week, I just won't sing any notes. See if he notices. HA!

Friday, September 23, 2005


It's official - as of October 1st, I am no longer an hourly worker - I am on sallary!!! With a week and a day left in my contract, and no "official word" from Human Resourses about whether I would be rehired, I was called down to HR and offered a permanent position. I would be doing the same thing that I'm doing right now (overflow work for two busy secretaries) but now, that desk is MINE! Hehe. It feels so good. All the details and paper work still have to be figured out and filled out, but with the wedding 15 days away (oh my GOD - only 15 days left?) it was nice to have one less thing to worry about. The best thing about it all, I get two paycheques in October - my salary cheque, and the last hourly one (there's a two week delay in paycheques if you're paid by the hour). So SWEEEEEEET.

I could barely concentrate all day (they told me about 9:30 in the monring) but I'm so happy =) Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Dad arives on Saturday afternoon, right smack dab in the middle of my wedding shower. Doh!

Choir started last night. Feels so good to be singing again. I thought I was over and done with this choir (feeling too old to be in the youth choir) but then they had to go and start a small SATB chamber choir. It soulds fabulous. The music is harder, but it's so worth it.


Friday, September 16, 2005

My Ring

Ok. So the pic is a little bigger than I planned it to be. But for those of you who haven't seen my ring, Ta Da! That's the one. Pretty isn't it? It makes Coletters feel good. Sigh. 22 days until I walk down the isle and become a Mrs. Crazy isn't it. But getting really excited.

Next few weeks are going to be crazy crazy crazy!!! Girl guides starts up on Tuesday, so I've been planning that and calling all the girls telling them when we're starting. Also, trying to learn and incorporate a whole new Guide program. Last year I started with only 5 girls and we grew to a group of 11. This year, I'm starting with 18. STARTING with. Quite a change, but a nice change, although I will miss having a small group. Hopefully we'll be doing a lot more outdoor activities and things.

So that's guides. What else? oh yeah. Choir starts next week too. There is a new choir to our choir family. A youth chamber choir. Should be interesting, and hopefully a lot more challenging than the regular youth choir.

Anyhoo. Time to say goodbye, again. Until next time!!

Isn't my ring pretty? hehe

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Dead Fish, More Fish

Ok, so pretty much all our fish died, except for the two neons. Apparently you're not supposed to put 6 fish in a 10 gallon tank all at once. Who knew? So we kept the neons, then, stiking with the teras, we got two golden flame tetras. One of the new fish constantly swam at an angle, so we dubbed him the retard fish. I know that it isn't very PC of me but, whatever. He died. And not because of our tank. We check the chemicals every day and they are all good. He was just sick from the start, we think. We went to the store and got two more golden flame tetras. Now they're like a gang. It's kinda funny. They take turns leading the others around the tank. The neons pretty much stay away from them, unless they're chasing them. We're going to get one or two more tetras soon, just for fun.

We also got a 35 gallon tank from one of my co-workers. We're going to take it really slow with this tank, making sure everything is perfect before adding fish - then adding fish sloooooowly. We want to get the bala sharks again. They are really cool looking and fun to watch.

P.S. Stagette pics on my MSN blog site =)

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