And it's not like I can think at work. Ever since Monday, I have been running off my heels doing soooo much stuff. I am deffinately being kept busy. But at the same time, I don't have time to think about anything else. I have this list of stuff I keep meaning to do when I have a spare moment at work, but that spare moment never comes. I sometimes forget to go on my breaks. Opps! It's getting easier to lose track of time, look at the clock, and say "whoops, I was supposed to go on my break half an hour ago.
When will the madness end???? And it's not like it will end after the wedding . . . there is still the issue of Thank-you cards. Another project I want to make with the pretty stamps that I bought months ago. Haha.
Sidenote: I had to stifle a really loud laugh in choir last night. My conductor said, after giving us 4 new, big, long songs to sing, "If you could look at these before the next rehearsal and learn the notes . . . ." YEAH RIGHT! And I'm supposed to do that when? Oh yeah, in hour 25 of the day. Sigh. Next week, I just won't sing any notes. See if he notices. HA!