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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Dead Fish, More Fish

Ok, so pretty much all our fish died, except for the two neons. Apparently you're not supposed to put 6 fish in a 10 gallon tank all at once. Who knew? So we kept the neons, then, stiking with the teras, we got two golden flame tetras. One of the new fish constantly swam at an angle, so we dubbed him the retard fish. I know that it isn't very PC of me but, whatever. He died. And not because of our tank. We check the chemicals every day and they are all good. He was just sick from the start, we think. We went to the store and got two more golden flame tetras. Now they're like a gang. It's kinda funny. They take turns leading the others around the tank. The neons pretty much stay away from them, unless they're chasing them. We're going to get one or two more tetras soon, just for fun.

We also got a 35 gallon tank from one of my co-workers. We're going to take it really slow with this tank, making sure everything is perfect before adding fish - then adding fish sloooooowly. We want to get the bala sharks again. They are really cool looking and fun to watch.

P.S. Stagette pics on my MSN blog site =)


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