
It's official - as of October 1st, I am no longer an hourly worker - I am on sallary!!! With a week and a day left in my contract, and no "official word" from Human Resourses about whether I would be rehired, I was called down to HR and offered a permanent position. I would be doing the same thing that I'm doing right now (overflow work for two busy secretaries) but now, that desk is MINE! Hehe. It feels so good. All the details and paper work still have to be figured out and filled out, but with the wedding 15 days away (oh my GOD - only 15 days left?) it was nice to have one less thing to worry about. The best thing about it all, I get two paycheques in October - my salary cheque, and the last hourly one (there's a two week delay in paycheques if you're paid by the hour). So SWEEEEEEET.
I could barely concentrate all day (they told me about 9:30 in the monring) but I'm so happy =) Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Dad arives on Saturday afternoon, right smack dab in the middle of my wedding shower. Doh!
Choir started last night. Feels so good to be singing again. I thought I was over and done with this choir (feeling too old to be in the youth choir) but then they had to go and start a small SATB chamber choir. It soulds fabulous. The music is harder, but it's so worth it.
Yay for money!!! That's awesome!
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