
Never done this before. Wonder what will happen if I . . . . . .

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Newlywed and loving it.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Always check the "Best Before" date

Silly me. Thought I would have a nice breakfast of bagles and cream cheese. Not even 10-20 minutes later I felt like crap. This happened to me last month after eating a muffin at Timmy's. Had to leave work that day. Today, didn't even make it in. I bet they think I'm playing hookie cause the weather this week has been fabulous. When Josh called me later to check up on me, I was feeling a bit better, and he got me to check the cream cheese. Best before June 21. Sigh. Lessons learned, I guess. Oh well. Guess I have no excues to get these blasted wedding invites out now, right? Got all day now.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Ok, so I haven't posted anything new in awhile. Doesn't mean nothing new has happened, just that I haven't had the time to do it, or I have the time, but would rather play the SIMS2. Hehe. The wedding plans are going splendidly, and we've even gotten a few gifts from Josh's grandparents. Anyhoo, I promise I will write more soon, and post some new pictures. I have about 4 or 5 rolls of film to develop. One is of Graduation, one is of Quin, the others, I can't remember. Guess I'll find out when I get them done! Toodles.

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