
Never done this before. Wonder what will happen if I . . . . . .

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Newlywed and loving it.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Best graduatoin present ever!

Well, my dad surprised me a few days ago by leaving a message on my cell phone that basically said "Hey, I'm flying in on Sunday, yeah. Something about you giving a speech. Thought I should see it. So, you'd better find another ticket, yeah?"

Totaly shocker. Adding to the shock was that I went by the school the day before, just to see if I could get some tickets, just in case the 3 that all us graduates were allotted back in April didn't arive in time. Big sign when I get to school "Because of the overwhelming interest, there are not tickets available for the following ceremonies: June 1st 11 am, June 2nd all ceremonies"

Well, guess who's graduating June 1st at 11am!! So I spent most of Thursday afternoon leaving messages with my teachers and the graduation co-ordinator asking them if there was any way I could get another ticket. Success!!! The grad co-ordinator left a message on my cell Thursday night saying there will be a ticket at the office for me to pick up!! Yay extra ticket!!!!! Yay to dad flying in from England to see me!!!!

Happy Coletters! =)

My dad and me in Whistler last year Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Money at last!!! (well, sorta) and other adventures.

Haven't updated casue I have either been too busy and/or lazy to do so.

So, I got hired on by the place I did my practicum. Contract work until the end of September, and then hopefully after than, if they have room for me. I have just completed my first full week of work - for money!!! Feels so good to have a steady sourse of income again. Soooooo good. The only stupid thing is that they have a weird paying system. For the work I'm doing now until May 31st, I won't get my paycheque until June 14. Seems a long time to wait, but it is sooooo gonna be worth it. =)

Had an adventure at the Bottle Recycling Depot today. Josh's work "recycles" all their bottles and cans, only they're too lazy to organize someone to actually take them away. So we returned $32 worth of bottles and cans. Yay free money!!!

We to Rodgers Video yesterday cause TV sucked (am currently waiting for the cable guy to come by to re-install all the channels above 28!!). Josh had GT4 out for about 2 weeks overdue, so we also figured we might as well pay off the fine. We get there, and when we go to check out, they tell us there's a hold on the card. Apparently when Josh got a new number for his cell, we forgot to tell video place, so when we had the overdue game and they tried to call us, they couldn't get through. So they had frozen our card. But we got it unfrozen. PLUS, because they switched over to a whole new computer system, the fact that we owed them about $25 in late fees, completely got erased!!! Sweeeeeet.

What else has happened. Checked out the venue for my wedding. (sooooo pretty). Now I just gotta plan the other stuff for it. Wheeeee. Anyhoo, y'all enjoy your long weekend!!!!

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