Christmas, New Years, Evil Mornings

Ok, it has been awhile. I've been busy. Like you haven't.
My Christmas and New Years were happy occations. Full house at my granny's on Christmas morning and even more guests for dinner later that night. New Years was nice and quiet - apart from the live jazzy band that started playing somewhere on our street just before midnight. Thought they were just a stereo, until I heard the wrong notes. Haha.
Life in the new place is great. Funny tale. One of Josh's friends went apartment hunting last week. Ended up looking at a place in our old building (he didn't clue in that it was our old building until later - when he walked into our old apartment). When he realized where he was, he didn't say anything to the landlord. As soon as he walked in to the livingroom, he looked up at where the hole in our ceiling was due to the leaking roof almost two years ago (leak was fixed - hole in ceiling wasn't). Landlord saw him looking and she said "Oh, that's very recent. We will be fixing it soon." He tried so hard not to laugh. He replied "Well, I work in construction, and it looks a little older than that to me." He then asked "Do you have a squirrell problem?" knowing full well that we had had problems with those little buggers. She said "No." Just then a big, fat, black squirrell was looking in to the apartment from the deck. And can you guess what the lady's answers to the questions "Do you have an ant problem? Mice?" was? "Oh no, we don't have mice and ants". While Josh's friend was telling us this on the weekend, I couldn't stop laughing. We should really report this lady. Anyway, at the end of the tour she was really trying to get Josh's friend to do all the paper work. He refused, many times, saying that he would have to talk it over with his girlfriend.
Anyone know where to report bad landlords?
On to evil mornings. I hate people in the morning. Especially when they have to get on crowded skytrains. Why do people think that squishing until you can't breath is a good thing. It's not like the skytrains don't run often during the rush hour in the mornings. If the train is too full, and you can't fit in unless you are squished so tight against someone you can smell what they had for breakfast in the morning, TAKE THE NEXT TRAIN!!!!!
And that is my rant for today.
There should be some housing tribunal for your area. They usually deal with disputes, but would also have information on who to report people like her to!
Wow, what a BAAADDD landlord
I know!!! The leak that caused the hole in the first place - it took them three tries (and three months) to fix it. They are bad and should be shut down. But no one in the building says anything because rent is (was) really really cheap. Most people living there are on welfare or income assistance or students and don't want to not have a home. Sigh. Life just stinks sometimes.
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