So, the big day came, and went.
Our wedding was fantastic! But over too fast. I think everyone that came had a great time. The food was delicious (thanks sushi chef Heenam!!) and the pictures turned out spectacularly. I hope that those of you who took pictures send me some. I need more "people" shots for my photo album.
After the whirlwind that was the wedding, we openened presents, had two thanksgiving dinners (neither with Turkey!) and then prepared and packed for the big move. Well, it wasn't too big. Just to a slightly bigger apartment two blocks away from the old place.
We moved the last stuff in last night and cleaned the old apartment. I was so thankful to have all the moving over and done with. Now the fun task of unpacking all the boxes and finding everything. At least in this new place we have a lot of storage. Two units if we need too, says the landlord. Even the fishies look happier - after they recovered from the traumatic car ride over - they were so pale!!!
So far so good. We got the radiator fixed (it was leaking water) and we are getting a new fridge soon (landlord didn't notice that the bottom shelf is broken). Soon it will feel like home - then we can have a housewarming!
Toodles! =)