Back to Normal

Ahhhhhhh. It's wonderful to have my life back to normal. Last week was especially crazy!! My choir (Sarabande) was invited to sing with the Vancouver Bach Choir in their performance of J.S. Bach's Mass in B minor. Faaaabulous work. I want to sing the alto solo "Agnus Dei" Soooo pretty. Anyway, that meant rehearsing every Tuesday night (after Girl Guides) until 10pm and then rehearsals last week, and the morning of the concert. And we didn't get to slack off in Saturday's rehearsal either. In Bruce Pullan's words, "Choir, you're going to have to sing it full voice twice today. Sorry." Sigh. Doesn't help when 7 of the 14 second altos are sick and can't sing full voice anyway. Whoot.
All in all though the concert was good. I applaud all the orchestral soloists (especially the flautist!!). There were, of course, moments of cringing and of not quite perfection, but I don't think anyone expects to hear a perfect concert of this super hard work (Sanctus and Hosanna - need I say more?) But I did enjoy singing it, so much so I bought my own score. =) I'm such a choir geek.